A forum of mostly anime-related discussions and reviews served up by your trusty moderator and anime expert, Fefifofum.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Doujin Works - Completed review

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Lovely Complex - Completed Review
What is it?
Two friends go through an extremely long series of events until they finally hook up.
What's good about it?
It's got its moments where its got a nice combo of comedy and tennage angst. It's a school romantic comedy anime, which almost guarantees I'll watch it (I know, I'm weak!). Most of the supporting characters range between good and adequate. I like the girl chasing the guy angle for a change.
What's bad about it?
Many times the main characters felt unlikable and brought their misery upon themselves. The guy tends to have this whining high voice when he gets angry which is quite annoying. Sometimes the jokes felt misplaced or recycled. The plot movement was a disaster. As do many of shows do, it creates challenges to the relationship that you don't really feel are credibly going to be dangerous. It took forever for them to finally start going out, during which you feel the show is just delaying the inevitable.
Final Verdict
As I often find in shoujo anime, the first episodes were the most enjoyable and the series progressively got worst, so much so that I put off the last three episodes for months (as those of you who were waiting on this review can attest). Still, it had its moments and I'm vulnerable to the genre.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Genshiken - ReTrO ReViEw
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Code-E - Completed Review
Chinami is a student who emits electromagnetic waves which disrupts electronics around her. A classmate finds out this secret and begs her to let him study her condition. This somehow becomes a love triangle.
What's good about it?
I like the main character Ebihara Chinami. I think it's the glasses. The show is pleasant and all the main characters are good-natured.
What's bad about it?
The other characters are tired stereotypes. Kannagi is a clueless, incredibly bland character. The plot moved erratically. Most of the comedy comes from a couple of bumbling foreigners who are also terrible stereotypes.
Final Verdict
While I found the show easy to watch, there is nothing new here and there is no real reason to watch it. A forgettable, average series with no defining elements.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Gundam Wing - ReTrO ReViEw
Five young pilots of special mobile suits nicknamed Gundams are sent to earth to overthrow the military alliance oppressing their native space colonies and trigger a multitude of world-changing events.
What's good about it?
You get the standard Gundam setting, steeped heavily in political and military organisations. The show starts off with a decent amount of intrigue since the motives and identities of the young boys are mysterious unknown.
What's bad about it?
Where to begin? It seems the motive of almost every character is inconsistent, unbelievable and never really explained. In fact, many plot turns are never realistically explained. Things "just happen" or a character will do something totally out of character just to serve the plot. Worse than that, that lame goal isn't even achieved since the plot also seems to runoff in unreasonable directions. The character development is also hindered in that there is almost no explaining the past of the characters, which might go a long way in explaining their motives.
Final Verdict
For some reason (probably nostalgia), I remembered this as being better than it is. I was shocked at how bad it was upon rewatching again after 10 years or so. This makes Gundam Seed look like a masterpiece (for the record I feel Gundam Seed, like almost all Gundam series, is mediocre. Unless you're a hardcore Gundam or mecha fan, don't bother watching this. I can't believe I made it through the 49 episodes.... again.

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Fall Season Pickups
--Clannad TV
--gundam 00
--Shakugan no Shana II
--myself; yourself
--bamboo blade
--Genshiken 2
--Shion no Ou
--Kodomo no jikan
--Da Capo 2
--Kimikiss Pure Rouge
--Sketchbook: full color's
Realistically, I'll probably drop a few of those after a few episodes if they are boring or rub me the wrong way. If I drop more than I expect to, I may consider giving these a shot:
--Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun
--Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
I may be absent for a stretch while I taste all of these series and I finish off a few I'm watching right now. Here are some upcoming reviews (probably):
-Lovely Complex
- Retro-review: Gundam Wing
I guess that's all for now, fellow anime-watchers. Bye-bee!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sumomo mo momo mo - Completed Review
Tale of a student who wants to be a lawyer who is the son of a martial artist who wants him to marry a fellow martial artist who is very motivated to bear his children. Meanwhile, other martial artists are after his head.
What's good about it?
hmmmmmmmmmm. I really should find something nice to say about this. Ok. I like the Voice actress' portrayal of Momoko. Her way of speaking is charming!
What's bad about it?
Everything else.
Final Verdict
It's so much easier to write a short review for such a bad series. To remember: Don't watch this!

Anime Roundup - Halloween Edition
Don't let Halloween edition fool you, that greeting is it. Well I'm pretty proud of my review output this month, though I've still got some to get done (and I'd still like to make them briefer).
The fall anime season is well on it's way, though I haven't watched any of the new shows yet. I like to wait till a series is at least 6 episodes into the season and I'm still settling on which ones I'll be covering and those that I'm watching.
I'll update those shows that never end: One Piece, Bleach and Naruto.
Naruto is as lame as ever (though I still watch it).
One Piece has just started a filler arc, and I have to say, the first episode showed some promise.
Bleach is finally done with filler and the action has picked up. Ichigo, Chad and Megame(if you don't recognize that name, google it idiot! So I have my own nicknames for anime characters I watch. Sue me!) have broken into Hueco Mundo to recover Orihime and potentially have to fight a shitload of Espadas. Awesome!
Hayate no Gotoku! is still going strong. The show kind of seems like it has no direction but it's still plenty entertaining so no real complaints here. I'm kind of annoyed at all the censoring they do when they refer to other anime and manga characters and names.
You know what! I'm going to do another review right this minute but I'll strive to make it as short as possible. Bye-Bee!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Major (Season 3) - Completed Review

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Code Geass (season 1) - Completed
Lucky Star - Completed Review
Sunday, October 21, 2007
City Hunter - ReTrO ReViEw

What is it?
The story of a talented man-for-hire who works in the underground world with his inexperienced partner.
What's good about it?
For a series that began 20 years ago, City Hunter remains quite watchable. Many of the story arcs are well written and most of the characters have their charm. City Hunter is a great indicator of the time it aired, both in its anime style and cultural referencing. The mood of urban Japan in the 80's is very well-represented.
What's bad about it?
Running 150 episodes long with half a dozen movies, most of the episodes are filler episodes. Character interactions are incredibly predictable and repetitive. The good guys (and the bad guys) always seem to make the same mistakes (especially Kaori). The story arcs range from 1 to 3 episodes in length and while the non-filler ones (the vast minority of the arcs) are quite worthwhile, the filler arcs are hit and miss with some very tedious ones in there.
Final Verdict
City Hunter could never air today as it stands. The filler hurts but the animation reflects its age and the formula is tired and has been replicated to nausea. Most of the emulation reflects the popularity of the show and it's characters at its conception. Like most retro anime series that were popular in their time, you can only enjoy City Hunter if you can appreciate the impact it had on the way anime is made today without holding it's faults against it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Kaze no Stigma - Completed Review
Bunch of elemental-powered clans fight demons and each other.
What's good about it?
The powers they control are nice. Character designs and animation are above average.
What's bad about it?
No story arcs were as good as the first one. The final arc was the worst by far : lame dialogue, none of the vilains are defeated, unoriginal plot turns.
Final Verdict
Not a very good but still watchable series.

Monday, October 08, 2007
History's Greatest Disciple Kenichi - Review Revision
Previous rating 7.0 ----------------------> Revised review 7.7
I'm taking a break now but expect some more, briefer, reviews in the next 3 days. Here's a list of them so I don't forget.
-Lucky Star
-Kaze no Stigma
-City Hunter
-Code Geass (season 1)
-Sumomo momo momomo momomo momo momomomomomo
-Lovely Complex (whenever KissSub gets off their asses and sub the last episode)
After those reviews I'll be concentrating mostly on examing the batch of new shows of the fall anime season.
Death Note - Completed Review
Just a few points. L's succesor, Near, isn't nearly as engaging as L and the rivalry with Light suffers because of it. Also, the other character's besides the leads are not very perceptive as they seem to just watch and hardly know what's going on half the time. This is partially corrected towards the end as the amount of apparent coincidences becomes obvious, even to them. Though the ending is conclusive and, in most respects, appropriate, I felt there was a plot twist or two too little, definitely less than what we had gotten used to.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Anime Roundup - September '07
I'll keep it short since it's 1:28A.M. and I have work in the morning. This is more a blog update than an anime update. Many of the shows I'm following will be ending in the coming month or so, so I'll be keeping silent on them till their final review is done. I have many final reviews to do and that's my priority. With my backload and the coming boatload of reviews that will come shortly, I have waaaay to much on my plate. To accomodate this my next dozen reviews or so will be much shorter than the already short reviews I usually deliver. Put it down as laziness and me knowing the laziness I have. Here is a list of some of the reviews so that I don't forget:
-death note
-sumomo momo momomo (I know this isn't right but I don't feel like looking it up right now)
-code geass (season 1)
-.....wow that's all that comes to mind at the moment
If you're wondering if I took a break from watching anime since my last post, do not fret. I've been following all of my usual series (from the fansub groups that didn't take breaks) and a few of other series on the side. Mostly though, I've been watching old City Hunter episodes. For those of you who don't know of City Hunter, it was a very popular anime series from the late 80's to the early 90's. Anyways, I've rewatched the entire two first seasons (50 & 63 episodes respectively!) so that's kept me pretty busy. Maybe I'll start a ReTrO aNiMe section after I'm done watching the rest of the batch (two more much smaller seasons and half a dozen movies). No promises there though. Anyways it's getting pretty late so I'll call it a night. Rock on true believers! Bye-bee!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Nodame Cantabile - Completed Review

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Mushishi - Completed Review

Friday, July 20, 2007
A Quick Announcement
-Zero no Tsukaima (Season 2)
-School Days
-Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
I'll give you a general idea of what these are after I've watched a few more episodes and I can form an impression.
That is all.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Anime Roundup - July '07

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sola - Completed Review
Monday, June 25, 2007
Sci-fi Harry - Completed Review

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Quick Announcement
Seirei no Moribito - Initial Impressions

Anime Roundup - June '07
The latest One Piece arc came to an ending in the last few episodes and is currently transitioning towards the next one. Of course, whenever an arc ends in one piece, there is a certain trepidation over whether the next arc will be a filler one or not. Right now, the manga isn't even halfway through (as far as I can tell) the zombie Island arc, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some filler before the anime starts that arc. The next few episodes are likely to be boring Cody reunion/flashback episodes so I'm not really looking forward to it.
Lucky Star, while still very entertaining, is not as fresh as it was during the first airings. It is somewhat repetitive material and the responses are fast becoming predictable. Still, the characters are still adorable and the subject matter is still up any otaku's alley so I'm not likely to stop watching, or enjoying, Lucky Star anytime soon.
Death Note is only a few episodes away from concluding. Since I haven't read the manga, the conclusion will come to a surprise to me. Since it's starting to look like Light will be caught, or killed soon, I'm hoping it won't come to that. Despite pretty much everyone knowing he's Kira, I'm still holding out on him once again rising up above everyone, especially since I don't like Mellow and Near. I really liked the L/Light rivalry throughout the first part of the show and since L died I haven't enjoyed the series as much though I'll still be satisfied if Light gets away in the end. I'm pulling for the bad guy.
Well I've got a few reviews to do, so I'll leave it at that for now.

This is a shot of Konata(Lucky Star) fanning herself during a hot day. Priceless.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Lovely Complex - Initial Impressions

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Review Overhaul
1- A first impression of different series (like those I have done so far)
2- A detailed review of the series once it ends (or the season ends). I mostly do this only for series I have watched but not talked about on this blog.
3-A weekly post of observations on the shows I follow that I wish to comment on.
The weekly post will cover plot development in story heavy series while commenting on trends I notice of the series I am watching.
Now the summer season has begun so I will be adding a few series to my plate:
Ookiku Furikabutte - looks to be a classic sports anime (in this case baseball)
Lovely Complex- school romance
Please look watch them - if that is what I instruct you upon having watched them myself.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Update: Reviews
Here's some non-anime news your way. Those of you who know me know I bore you all to tears with my intense, raving adoration for the late singer-songwriter Elliott Smith. Well a two-disk compilation of unreleased recording called NEW MOON was released by KILL ROCK STARS a week ago and it owns! Get it now!
Well, since I'm here I might as well review something. Hmmm...OK!
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi:
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Seto No Hanayome 1-3

Heroic Age 4-5

Monday, April 30, 2007
Moonlight Mile 3-6

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Overdrive 1-3

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Lucky Star 1-3

Claymore 1-4
By the end of episode four, Raki somehow stops Clare from becoming a Youma(btw Youma are demons), a fate that is inevitable to Claymores, thus removing the need for her to kill herself and make this a very short series. What was that all about? If they don't explain the phenomenon, or if the reason she was able to revert is because he opened her heart or some corny trash like that, I will feel extremely disguted and will quickly be reduced to moking this series on a weekly basis. For now though, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.

A scene where Clare almost chops Raki's head off
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Moonlight Mile 1-2

Gigantic Formula 1-3

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Nagasarete Airantou 1-3

Classic Harem setting involving a guy getting stranded onto a isolated island populated a only women. Every woman on the island is interested in getting him to marry them, and since they are insanely strong, he is at the mercy of their whims. For some reason, the women all seem to be trained as ninjas. This is pretty brainless writing in terms of a story. I'll probably only include my observations as we go along because there is no story at all here to update.
This is it for tonight, I may add a few more reviews in the next few days. If not, see you next week.
Sola 1-3

Heroic Age 1-3

Well, it's been a week
Monday, April 16, 2007
An uncharacteristicely ambitious plan
I've just decided I'll switch back to a more week by week review of ongoing shows I'll attempt to take on a very large number of new shows which include : Hayate no Gotoku!, Heroic Age, Hidamari Sketch!, Gigantic Formula, Lucky star, Manabi Straight!, Moonlight Mile, Nagarasete Airantou, Nodame Cantabile, Overdrive, Romeo x Juliet, Sola, Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou Tou and the OVA Murder Princess.
Now I know what you're all thinking, "you can barely manage a post a month, you really expect us to believe you actually think you can manage a weekly review of over a dozen new shows. You must really think we're fucking guilible retards."
Well, while I'll admit straight up it will be hard for me to manage a consistent weekly post, my laziness concerning this blog should in no way be misinterpreted as a deficiency in the amount of anime I watch. I'll tell you right now, I watch more anime than you or anyone you know. There you go. Plus, some of those series are likely to be dropped or delayed by fansub groups or I might find some of those series unwatchable- which I would convey to you to hilarious results- and drop them myself. That should weed out a few of those titles and hopefully make this a manageable task.
I'll try watching some episodes of ALL those series this week and get back to you with some idea of how this project will look like next week.
'Til next time, this was Fefifofum, you fucking guilible retards.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Let's keep the reviews rolling...
Ghost hunt - A band of supernatural investigators perform a gambit of missions which include battling ghosts and destroying curses. Characters include a shrine priestess, a buddhist monk, a catholic priest and a psychic but the protagonists are a high school girl and a narcissistic genius (appropriatly nicknamed "Naru"). Lots of fun with some interesting cases. One of the best shows of last season. 9.0/10
Ouran Host Club- Solid comedy about a club of high school hosts that fall for a female student that they force to cross-dress so that she can join their club. She learns about the difficulties of the elite while they learn about instant coffee. Great cast of characters. 8.5/10
Busou Renkin- Warriors imbued with the power of alchemy battle monsters also imbued with those same powers. An above-par fighting anime that was funnier than expected on the occasions it cared to attempt some humor. 7.5/10
There will be more next week as I try to ressurrect the Top Ten. Stay tuned!
P.S. For those of you that care, I like Detroit, Dallas, Anaheim, Nashville, Buffalo, Ottawa, Tampa Bay and New York's (Rangers) chances of advancing to the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. BTW, that's hockey, for those of you forming the ignorant masses.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Those of you who thought this blog was dead are only partly right
I'm so insanely far behind in my reviews that I'll forget about the top ten for now and give you one liner reviews with a 1 to 10 rating.
Pani Poni Dash- If Azumanga Daioh and Cromartie High had a love child, on acid, this would be it. Crazy random alien fueled schoolgirl comedy that is well worth the ride, even if you don't get three quarters of the japanese pop culture references (and you won't!). 9.0/10
The Mars Daybreak- Cool protaganist character in a futuristic underwater mecha adventure. Slightly annoying supporting characters but a decent story with a cop-out ending. 8.0/10
Major (Seasons 1 through 3)- MVP baseball prodigy chooses the road less traveled amd thus creates major challenges for himself. Classic sports themed anime, you either hate it or love it. I love it. 8.0/10
Black Blood Brothers- Vampire brothers travel to a tension-filled city and try to prevent a vampire terrorist attack. Features lots of flashbacks and backstory into a way too condensed 12 episode series. Wasn't any good anyways. 6.0/10
Texhnolyze- Futuristic grim setting, with a deranged artificial-limbs imbued antihero. Mafia ruled city is faced with warring factions and backroom brokers trying to take advantage of the situation. Cool at times, lame at others. 7.5/10
Vandread (Seasons one and two)- Incredibly annoying stereotypes battle evil in a spaceship with mecha fighters. Really lame and unnecessary. 4.5/10
I'll leave the rest till next time. Keep watching!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Top Ten Anime of All Time (Compromise)
#10 FLCL: I loved it because: It was one of my first attempts at fansubbed anime and for that I will always cherish it.
You may be turned off by: The sometimes grainy and raw animation. The pace is sometimes too fast and it is short at 6 episodes.
You will love it because: It is an exciting, futuristic, creative, high-octane adventure on crack.
#9 Samurai Shamploo: I loved it because: It is a hip-hop infused edo-period samurai tale with interesting characters.
You may be turned off by: The fact that it doesn't compare to it's predecessor (cowboy bebop) and the female lead can be annoying at times.
You will love it because: It features kick-ass sword fights, kick-ass vilains and some pretty kick-ass cinematography. All around kick-ass series. Kick-ass.
Well I'm bushed right now so we'll leave the top ten at that for today. Since last couple of seasons have been below average fare, I've been watching some series from a couple of years back. Mainly I've watched Pani Poni Dash!, Texhnolyze, The Mars Daybreak, Vandread andThe Third. (Yes, my neglect of this blog does not mean I've neglected my anime). I'll start my reviews for those next time so stay tuned. Also, I've noticed I haven't made a post on my other blog in almost four months so I am dissolving it effective immediately. The only way this will affect this blog is that you will now be subject to any non-anime related post I may whimsically throw at you. Fear not, if my other blog is any indication, those are far and few between. Till next time,
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
2007 already feels like a year to forget. I think 2009 will be the money year.
Anyways, lets start with the finale of what were my 2 favorite currently airing series (sob). Heading into the final stretch with our female lead on her way towards a breakdown. At their final session, Misaki tries to entice Satou into a relationship of convenience where they would promise to never leave each other. Satou is suitably freaked out and runs away, breaking off their relationship. When he gets back home, Satou finds out his parents are cutting him off and he eventually must drive himself to work to live, which he eventually does. Misaki, always the ardent observer, comes to the conclusion that even a loser hikokomori like Satou doesn't need her and she attempts suicide which she fails. This finally culminates to a dramatic cliffside final episode where the characters come to a mutual understanding, of sorts.
I personally loved the final arc. It featured a ton of philosophy about the human condition, God and society. It had tons of character development on both sides, especially Misaki, who had been partly veiled in mystery until now. It featured the kind of conclusion I love, where the future isn't spelt out but the characters cannot return to the condition they had until now live, because they have changed and too much has happened and been said to be able to return to formalities.
Though this may not be obvious since the show ends with the familiar scene of Misaki cooking Satou a meal, it cannot mean what it once did. Misaki can longer consider Satou as her patient and though no agreement is verbally reached, the relationship must be considered as one must less platonic as the former. All in all, a great series, with funny episodes and memorable characters. 10/10
Black Lagoon ended on what I consider an anticlimatic note. Though the final episode featured a showdown between Revy and the sword-totting mafioso, it left me wanting more. More of a confrontation with Balalaika, more relationship development between our main duo and more of a high paced, destruction filled killzone. Though, the series leaves the door wide open to a third season that could fulfill some of these elements that I found lacking, I won't be holding my breath since it seems, the writers are weary of messing with the current situation. Still a great series driven by its fun characters. 8.5/10 (Black Lagoon season 1 : 9.5/10)
Now that these series have ended, you would think I would pick up some new ones. However, that is not currently the case. I rarely follow a series when it first starts because I dislike following it on a week to week basis because I tend to forget some details from previous episodes, which makes attachment difficult. I will almost always wait till the series is at least halfway through before watching it. That way I can watch many episodes in sucession and make a better analysis of its characters and plot development.
One example of this Akagi, a series I downloaded in a batch and watched in its entirety during the holidays. Anyways, the series features a Mahjong playing genius who plays Yakuza Reps for money and a challenge. The series was ok, and I wont delve very much into it. The main character was too perfect for my taste, never making a wrong move and always being the tricking others, without ever losing his cool. Where's the suspence in that?
Well, I'm kind of tired so I'll leave it at that for now and update the other series next time. Expect additional posts soon.